1916 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko (4th edition)

strain into a border mould and chill.

At serving time turn

out, fill the center with whipped, sweetened, flavored cream and garnish with thin slices of orange. GRAPE FRUIT WITH DUBONNET Prepare and serve the grape fruit as usual. Pour over some Dubonnet and serve powered sugar separately. The grape fruit should be served very cold. COUPE WITH STRAWBERRIES, DUBONNET Steep some fine strawberries in Dubonnet with a dash of brandy and some powdered sugar. Place in a coupe glass some orange water ice, the strawberries on top and over the strawberries some whipped cream blended with cooked pastry cream. STUFFED CUCUMBER SALAD Materials. — Two large cucumbers, one bunch celery, one slice of onion, one stuffed olive, one-fourth of a green pepper chopped fine and two tablespoonsful stiff mayonnaise. Way of Preparing. — Peel the cucumber and cut into two- inch lengths. Remove the seeds, leaving a cavity through the center of each cucumber. Mix all the other ingredients and fill the cucumbers. When ready to serve place a slice of tomato on a lettuce leaf and stand the cucumber tube on it. Garnish with stiff mayonnaise and decorate with stuffed olives cut into rings. BAKED STUFFED WHITE FISH Materials. — One five-pound Lake Superior white fish, one pint bread crumbs, one-half cup melted butter, two cups boiling water, pepper, salt, lemon, flour, onion, bacon slices and parsley. Way of Preparing. — Thoroughly clean and wash the fish, remove the fins and eyes, but leave the head and tail. Place the butter in a frying pan, add one tablespoon finely chopped onion, the crumbs, a lttle chopped parsley, one tablespoon lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Blend thoroughly, cool and stuff the fish with this mixture. Sew up the fish and with a sharp knife gash it across the backbone. Make the gashes an inch and a half apart. Place a piece of bacon in each gash. Place in a greased baking pan, dot with bits of butter, dust with salt and pepper and pour around the fish two cups of boiling water, the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce. Bake forty minutes, basting with the liquid every ten minutes. Remove the fish to a serving dish and add to the liquid left in the pan one tablespoon of butter and one of flour, creamed together; then when smooth a cup of milk or cream, cook two minutes, strain around the fish and garnish with lemon and cress or parsley.


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