1916 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko (4th edition)

CUPS ADALOR CUP 1 fresh peach perforated with fork

1 pint of Champagne.


Ingredients: One bottle of Bass Ale; one gill of water; one glass of Sherry, the juice of two lemons and the fine rind of one; one tablespoonful of Castor sugar; a few leaves of fresh mint; a pinch of grated nutmeg; crushed ice. Method: Remove the lemon rind well in thin fine strips, put them into a jug add the sherry, water, lemon juice, sugar, mint and nutmeg, cover and let the liquid stand for 20 minutes, strain into a glass jug, add a few pieces of ice and the ale, then serve. BISHOP'S CUP Use quarry glass pitcher 50% lemon juice 100% Plain Syrup 100% Jamaica Rum 1 pint of claret or red bergundy. Dress with fruit and mint.


1 pint of Sparkling Cider 1 pint of Imported Ginger Ale 100% Brandy.

BURGUNDY CUP Use large glass pitcher, into which put: 1 pony Brandy 1 pony brown Curacao 1 pony Maraschino 1 quart Burgundy 1 pint Sparkling Water 1 long cube of ice. Stir well and decorate with: 1 lemon sliced 1 orange sliced 5 or 6 pieces of pineapple Maraschino cherries and a small bunch of green mint on top.


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