1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


13-BR.ANDY CRUSTA . S. D . Same as No. 153, ~ ubsti tu till g brnndy for whiskey. 14-BRANDY DAISY. S . D. Take a half-pint t umhler lial f f11ll of chip pecl ice; add three or fo ur dashes g um syrup, t \\·o or three dashes curai;oa cordia l. t he jni ce of hal f a lemon , a small wine-glass ful of brandy, two dashes of rum ; shake well, nnd st rain into a large cocktail glass, and £11 np ffi t l1 n ~y phon seltzer water. 15-BHANDY ,\ ND 0-U::\1. S. n . Take a 11·in e g lass; pn t in a snrn ll pi ece of ice : add half a tea.spoonlul of g um syrup, half a wine-glassful of brandy ; st ir we ll wit h spoon . 16-BR.A.NDY FIZZ . L . D . Same as No. 64 , substituting b randy for g in . 17-BR.A.NDY .A.ND HONEY. S . D. Same as No. 122, substitu t ing br a ndy for r11m. :L. D. The Brandy Jule p is made with t he same in– gredients as the l\fint Jul ep , No. 97 , omitting t he fancy a.clornme 11ts. 19-BRANDY A::\D LEl\101\. 8. D. Same as No. 15, substitu t ing le mon syrup for g um syrup . • 20-BitANDY ..\ND NOYEAU. S. D. ,Same as No. 15, substituting noyPan for lemo n. 18-BR.ANDY JULEP.

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