1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


43-CLARET PUNCH. L. D. Pill hnlf-pint t umbl e r with chipped ice; squeeze hnlf n. lemon in ; add a tenspuouful of powdered sugar, a ud a t easpoonful of r aspberry syr up ; fill up with claret: s hake 11·ell, ornament 11·itb fruits in senson nnd 'CITe wit h strn"·s . L. D . Fill h alf-pint tumble r wi t h chipp ed ice; put in a teaspoonful of powdered s uo-a.r; sc\11eeze ha lf a lemon in ; fill up t he tumb ler "·it h care t; ' hake we ll ; add a sli ce of orange ; s prinkle a li t t le nu t meg on top and se rve with str n11·s . 45-COAXER. S. D . Take a half-pin t tumbl e r : fi ll 1yitJ1 ehipped it:e; tenspoonful of powde re d s t1µ::1 r; sq ucezc half a lemon in ; ndd t he white of :111 e!:!:!:!'. h a lf a wine-glassfu l of old Scotch whi skey : s hrike 11p well a nd strain into a po ny tnmh l01· . · 46-COFli'EE COCKTAlL. L . n . The n ame of this drink ar ises 011ly from it~ appcnrn nce, whi(;h , wh e n prope !·h· lll:1cl1>. it resembles. Break an egg into a large glnss: put one teaspoonful of 9owdered sng:1 1". n largC' wine o-lass of port wme, a pony-g la ss f11l of llraud~~ .and then fill ~p with ir·e : sh a ke well and strain into a rnedrnrn bar g obl et ; grate n little nutmeg on top and se rve w ith straws. 47-COli'FEE PUNCH. L . D. Take a half-pint tumbler and fill with chipp ed ice ; pnt in a teaspoonful of powde red s ugar ancl a liqueu1· glass of brnndy ; fill up t he t 11mhle r with black coffee ; shake well n nd se1've with straws. [In making coffee a nd milk pn.11 ch all ow the shaker to remain on to p of' t he g la ss foi· n mome nt after h a viHg sh a ke n .] 44-CLARET S:\NGAREK

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