1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
48-CORKER. S. D. Put t he yolk of on e egg in a g oblet ; t h en a teaspoonful of hon ey, t wo or t h ree drops of esse nce of cloves, and a liqu e ur-glu ~sf' 1il of cnrac;oa ; mix t his well · then add hn,J f a pin t of li igh burgundy made Lot; m ix well and serve hot. 49- CORPSE REVTVER . S. D. Take a long , t hin liq11 e u1· gla ss, whi eh fi ll \\·ith equ al port io ns of noyen u , mara.·chino, and ~·ell ow char tre tL"e respect ive ly, ta king c:1rc· 11 nt L:i mix t he ingredi ents. and tnk e off nt on <' draug ht. 50- COS:'lfOPOLIT.-\N DEL IGHT. L. D . Take n large soda \1·a ter g lass :i ucl fi ll with eh ipped ic;e; put in a teaspoonful of powdf'red sugar; squeeze h alf a lemon in ; a dCi h:1 I r :i liq ueur-glassful of curac;oa, a teaspoonf11l of orgeat syru\·' and h al f a wine-gl as~f11 I of bra ndy ; sha 'e well ; decorate with frui ts in season; clash t he t op " ·it h claret a nd se r ve with st r aws. 51-CRYSTAL PAJ..1ACE PUI\CH . Take a large punch bowl, into \1·hi ch sli ce up t hree oranges and a pinen pple; t lte n pour in a bottle of cogn ac brandy; let them steep well , after wh ich add two bottles of champngne, t hrc•e hottles of se ltzer ; cool it t horoug hly , and se n ·•· immedi ately. This will serve for a p arty
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