1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


83---,L\Y:\ P U!\ CH . R. n . Viii L11111hle r wi t l1 chipp ed icC'; pu t i11 hair :1 Len ~puo nful of powd e re d sug ar, a ten,.poo 11f11l ' r va uilla. s~-rup ; squ eeze ha lf :1 IPmo11 iu; a tld :1 lit1ueur-g lassful of bra ndy a nd t he same o!' rul'1: shake well a nd strain off. putt in g a sli C'o of ora nge on top . 84-JEltSEY COCKTAIL. L . D . Fill Lalf-pint tumble r \\'ith "hipped ice: pu t in fi ve or six drops of Angost11ra hitte rs . add half a teaspoon fn l of powde red sug:t r ; fill up th e tumbler "·ith cyder ; pla ee a pi CC'C of lemon peel on top , and serve \\'it h stra\\'s. 85-JERSEY CUP . L. D . . F ill half-pin ~ t um.bie r wi t h chippe d ice; p11 l" ll'I a tea spoo!d·1d of p owde red sugar ; sq11ee z1• half a lemon 111 ; add a tens p no11f11l of pineappl P syrnp , half win e-glnss ful of brandy; fill up t he bal a nce with c·yd er ; orname n t \\·it h frui t in senson nn ll se r ve \\'it h stra\\' s. 86- JOH N COLLlNS. L. D . Fill h alf-pin t t umbler wi t h chipped ice; pu t in a teaspoonful of PO\\'Cler ed suga r ; squ eezc– h a.lf n lemon in ; add h alf w in e-g lassf ul of Old Tom .,ju ; fill up wit h sodn. wate r ; orn a.me nt with ~· ni ts in season a nd serve \Yit h straws . 87-LEAVE IT TO ME. 8 . D. ['l'his drink orig in ated from t h.e fact ? f man~· p eople wishing t o tast e a n Ame n can dnnk , but reallv not knowin g which to choose.] Fill tumble r with chipped ice; put in h alf a t easpoonful of powdered ~uf"n r ; squeeze h alf a lemon in · add a t easpoonfu of r aspberry syrup and one ~f maraschino ; hnlf a wine-g lassful of Old Tom gin ; th en stri;iin of!' with a small pon y t umble r an d place a sh e:e of lemon on top. Ynt\ \\"iH fi nd t hi s a very pleasant beverag~.

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