1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


92- .\1.\ llH:K ' S l3LUSH. S. D. l •'ill a tumbler wi t h chipped ic·L·: put i11 half a t e:1 :

93-i\f,\1\HAT'l'A N COCK'l'AJL. S. D. l~i ll l.11111hle r with chi pped ir-c : p11 t iu t.hn·e ,,r f'o11r drops of Angost u ra. hi tte rs . ditto or plai 11 sy rnp ; :1d s ugar , ha ll w1111·– g las<.;f11l nf lirnn dy. an~ :1 liqu eur-gl as:::f1~l 111' rum · lill nJJ with lH'\\ milk : shake well : s prrnkJ, . ~· lit t lP nnt,meg 0 11 t.lp :1n1l s <'l'l'C 11 ith s traw~.

96-i\ I LLK 8 1~1,T:lEH . L . D. T :i kc n l:i rgc sod :t J.!lai

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