1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


nsed hy acrnled ll':tLe r 111akcr,, and np ut t ll'ltich t ho following r eci pes arc based. . :rr a sng ar bo emplo~·ed of :;11ch pnnty t ha t no scnm or only a sm:ill trace rt se to t lte s1.1rfacc after boiling. it is preferable not to hod th<' syrup , bu t simply to hoil the 1rntcr to JllEC"l' IO:-:s FO H :\I 1x1:-:t:. \\'l1i lo tlto i..nnp is s lill warrn add Ute <·itril' or tarta ri c· acid. and whe n dissoh·ed add tlw 1·olonring (prc vionsly i hi1111cd if it he a thic·k 1«1lo11rinµ: hy mixinµ; ll' il h Lll'o or l hrcc Lintt•s ils hnlk of wann water). ' '\'hl'tt Ute ,.,_1..-np ha" <·ooled :tnd is : ~hont '11kt•1rn r11t , add grad11:1'l,1· t he <'.'-se11c·e-stirri ng al t he ~ a111e time-Utcn Llte l•'ren c:h cream , prc,.,ern1Li1·c. a nd oilt<'r ingredients . These syrups arc µ:enera lly perfe<"tl.1· brigltt when made, I.Ju t I'm· 1·:1 t·iom; rc:~on s the~· ::ire sometimes eloutly af te r heing mixed . \ \Then s uch is the C:l'-C pa~s ihem tl11·oug h a fi I tcri ng bag. 'J.'llf• IJllUlllily of j/11ro11r1•d S!fl'll/l fo l1r 11srrl i.< 1 ~ 11:s. fo flrn 10 o.:. lwll,,., 1111tl, of course. half tlu· 11111111/ify f••r' sp/ils . C'.ll"l'I O:-:.- No tu:i ttPr how prt·,~etl ll 1e mi ncr:tl ll'alcr 111akct· ma y he for Lill• Lin u•. he 1111 t ~l n<'n'r hott.le ll'liile t he syrnp is hot ; it sho11ld he <11 1ilc !'old. .\:\I Im I l'.\~ U.: :'ILO~ SQUASH. l-l :i lf fil l Lltc slt:iker ll'illt <:rnc·ked iC'e (about Ute s ixc of nub) . o r willt <;]i:'I\'('{] ic·c. pu t i11 1 07.. of plain S_l'rllp , o r Li1rec leaspoo11 fu )s o f powdered sugar ; add t hf' ,i lli<'e of n11e gootl-si;.:cd ll'mo 11 , :utd p;i1·e lwo d:i~ hc<; of a C"id phosphate: 11e:1rh· fill Llte s hake r witlt soda water: mix 11·ell ;. put strainer 01·er s hake r and pour iuto

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