1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


g:lass.. prop i11 n s_lice of lemon nnd squeeze a li ttle JU1ce from, n piece of lemon rind tu i11creasc the ho11quet. • e n ·e with straws . A:\Tl\CONIA C'OCKT.-\ TL. (Gooc.I Morning To11ic for Heacl:?che.) Draw 2 0:-'-5 . of orange syrnp in to a 12 oz. g:lnss n ~1cl ac.ld ~ drnchm of nromnt ic spirits of a111111on 1n ; a bou t ha lf fill the "'lnss wi t h soda 11·:1ter. t he n '.tc.ld hal f teaspoo11fu'f of hiC'a rbonate of soda. Stir 11·ell and ha udle r1uickh· ('l'his CoC'kta il s hould be drunk nt once.) · · " IlHl'l'ANNIA " TONIC (l<:xn:r.1.F.:'\T). To m a ke, take- Spirits of :1111 111011ia co. ... I oz. Ti11 eturo of gc11 t ian co. .. . 2 ozs . 'J'in ctnre of rh11barb C'O. I oz. Tin cture of cnrdnmon co. ... 6 ozs . Use 1 drnchm (or 011e teaspoonful) ns n dose. For use. dra\\" 1 oz. of ora nge syrup into an 8 oz. g lnss, add 1 drnehm of l3rirannin Tonic a ud fill up wit h sod a water ll"i t hou t fonmin"'. Put in n prese rved g:lnce cherry in se n ·ing; i;'° 0 s t r nll"s req u ired. The nho\·e cnn be mecl \l"ith Egg: Tonic Phos phnte. CAL ISAYA EGG PliOSPH.-\TE. Break a nell" lnid egg into n 12 oz. glnss in front of the c ustomer; draw 2 ozs . of orange ~yrup and add .1 drachm. of Cali sn~·n T o11 ic, t r a nsfe r to shnker and . mi x \\"ell_. the n sl o\\"l~· dra w off soda water un t il shake r is nea 1:l~· full ; p ou,. in to a ~la ss and bnck . sen >rn l t1mes to t ho roug:hl y mix and se n·e \\"1 t h n good head . C:rnto n li t tle nu t meg on top of fonm. CREnJff FLTP. Draw 2 ozs. of che rry sy rup in to shnkcr and n

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