1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


HIGH-CLASS CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (EXTTI A Qli :\ U'I Y). Take 011 e q11 a rt of 11e,,· milk , one pi 11t of cream , 1 lli . of po,Hlered s uga r , 4 ozs. or t"hoco– late powder and the \\· hi te uf three eggs. P ut into a sau cepan one g ill of \ ·· CHOCOLATE SYTIUP. To make, put one pint of rold water i11 to a cop per boili11g pan or an ena mell ed saucepan a nd Jet it boil. then add grnd na ll:v ~ lb . of ch oco– late po\\"der (unS\Yeetened). Take off fire a nd stir we ll to :t g_ood crea lll y pa ste, without a n:v lulll ps, t hen add brn quarts of cold \\·ater and 5 lbs. of gra nulated white sug ar. l\l ix well and put the whole on to boil, stirri11g all t he time to preve nt burni11g . Boi l for five minutes then r emove from fire and str a in t lll"o11g h mu s1 in or ch eese cloth. " "hen cold add 1 oz. of good .ca ramel co lour ing . CHOCOJ_,ATE SYH CP nmNK. Dra\\· 2 oi1s . of choc.;olate ~.\'I'll ]) into a 12 oz. g lass an d n early fi ll up with iced sodn \rnte r . 8tir we ll wit h long spoo n nncl sc n·e wit h n good l'oalll ing head. COJXMBl:\ F fZZ (:\F.w). 'l'o make , take– Pineapplc jui ce Extract of vani ll a Or:lllge syru p Pla in sy rup ... C itr ic acid Sh ake and bottle for u se. 10 07.S. 1 d rac hlll . 1 pint. 1 pi11 t. 2 dra chrns.

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