1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP


Silver Fizz. Th e jui ce of one lime, clessertspoo nful of s ug;ar, ha lf teaspoo nful A ngostu ra bitters. O n e wine g lass dry gi n, th e white of one egg acid crushed ice a nd s hake, thorou g hl y serve in a s tenga h g lass a nd fill up w ith soda.

Princeton Cocktail.

Use a Shake r.

Three das hes An gos tura b itters. T hree-qua rt ers O ld Torn Gin. !

Puritan Cocktail.

Use Mix in g G lass.

Four dashes Ango tura bitte rs. One spoonful yellow Ch a rtreuse .

Two thirds Plymouth g in . One third French ve rmouth. Add crushed ice, s h ake a littl e a nd s tra in i,nto a coc kt a il g lass.

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