1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP

20 good milk, then place some cracked ice in a large shaker, shake well, strain into a very large cut g lass, g rate nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. Snow Balls. Into a sma ll mi x ing glass place a barspoonful of sugar a jigger of whiskey and the white of an egg; fill th e glass with cracked ice, shake well, decorate with fruits a nd serve with s traws. Kajang Cocktail. Recipe for 2 people. Juice of 2 oranges, slices of one orange, l Port g lass Grande marnier I Port g lass Mandarin Brandy, 2 Limes, Crushed Ice, r Chilled small soda, swizz le well. Amer Picon. Into a stengah g lass put % s he rry g lass Ame r Picon,~ sherry g lass g renad in e, Yi te::ispoon lime juice, % sherry g lass milk, c rush ed ice to taste and swizzle well.

Whisky Sour. A New Way.

. Into ยท a shaker put % sherry g lass whiskey, ~ sherry g lass orange curacoa, % sherry glass Mil k, ~ teaspoon lime juice, bitters to taste crushed ice, s ha ke well a nd serve.

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