1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP

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Kandy Kid Cocktail.

Fill a g lass w ith s haved ice. Two or three dashes of gum syrup. One o r two dashes of ora nge bitters. One or two d ashes of Curacoa or Absinthe a d esired. One wine glass of Old Tom g in. Stra in into a cocktail g lass and twi st a piece of lemon peel on top. Fedora. One tabl espoonful of s ugar and a s li ce of l emon mix in a shake r w ith p lenty of ice and se rve with a straw. Ambrosial Nectar. Mix a s follows:- One quart of a le. Heat th e a le in saucepan, hea t up th e eg gs an d th e sugar, add the rurn a nd ~ome nutmeg and put it . all into a pitch er. \ Vhen the A le is nea r to a boil put il into a noth er pitcher ; p our it ve ry gradua ll y in to the pitcher containing eggs, etc., s tirrin g a ll the while briskl y to \1revent th e ggs from curd lin g. T h e n pour th e con te nt from on e pitc h e r into th e ot he r till th e mixture is a s s mooth as c ream, and l:i"C1·ve in a punch bowl. One gill of Ol d rum. Four fresh r aw eggs. . Four ozs . of powdere:I s ugar. One li queur g lass of brandy . One li queur g lass of curacoa. Half li queur g lass of J a maica rum. Half lique ur g lass of Rye whi skey.

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