1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP

8 Claret Flip.

O n e Fresh Egg Half tablespoonful of Suga r. Half g lassful of s h ave ~! ice. O ne-and -h a lf win egla ssful of c la re t wi ne. Sh a k e we ll and se rve with a littl e nutmeg on top . This is a de li c ious d rink a nd g ives s tre ngt h to de I ica te peop le .

Senator's Joy. (Afte r the famous rec ipe of J. H. M.)

One teaspoonful of suga r. Hal f g la ssful of c la ret. T wo clashes Angostura bitters. Quarter g lassful of French vermouth. Half g lass ful of R ye \Vhi sky. On e teaspoonful of Absinth e.

Care s hould be ta ke n that th e in g redi ents are placed in thi s ord e r in th e s ha ker wit h plenty of ice, s ha ke we ll a nd serve 111 fa ncy barglass.

Chocolate Cocktail.

One yolk of an egg. H a lf wineglassfu l of Cha rt reuse. Half Do. Port w ine.

Qua rte r tea spooniul of grounJ chocolate . Fill up wit h ice, shak e we ll and se rve. Thi:; drink is very popul ar with ladi es.

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