1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

after having dissolved in sufficient water. Mix well and cover close for twenty-four hours; then strain until clear, and bottle.


The same recipe as for a Straw berry Bowl, only use raspberries in stead of strawberries.

RUBY PUNCH. (One Gallon Mixture).

Use a punch bowl.

I quart of arrack. I quart of port wine. 3 pints of green tea. I pound of loaf sugar. Juice of six lemons. Add sliced fruit.

Dissolve the sugar in the tea, one piece of ice in bowl, and serve in punch cups.

SILVER WEDDING CUP. (One Gallon) . I pint of rock candy syrup. I bottle of pale sherry wine. I bottle of brandy (Hennes sey). I bottle of Haut Sauteme. 3 pints of champagne. Mix in a punch bowl, cool with block of ice, add fruit and serve, iig


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