1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)
I pint of Apollinaris. 4 tablespoons sugar. I pony Benedictine. I pony Maraschino. I wine glass brandy. I piece of ice. 3 slices of pineapple. 3 slices of orange.
Dissolve well, add
Stin and add
Pour one quart of champagne.on top,stir, serve in champagne glasses.
CLARET CUP. (For Party of Six)
Use a glass pitcher.
I pint of ApoUinaris. 6 tablespoons sugar.
Dissolve well, add
I pony Benedictine. I pony Curacoa. I pony Maraschino. - 1 wine glass brandy, stir. 4 slices of pineapple. 4 slices of orange. I piece of ice. Pour one quart of claret on top, stir, serve in champagne glasses.
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