1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)


Use long, thin glass.

i a lemon (juice only). I teaspoonful of sugar. 1 dash of Aromatic bitters. 2 pieces of ice.. I bottle of ginger ale.

And serve.


Use a long, thin glass. I piece of ice.

I drink of Scotch whiskey. Fill balance with bottle of Club soda and serve.


Use a mixing glass.

I teaspoonful of sugar dis solved in a little water.

I drink of brandy, i glass of fine ice.

Stir well, strain into a fancy stem glass and fioat a little port wine on top and serve.

GIN SANGAREE. F^'sps-red in the same manner as the Brandy Sangaree, using gin in place of brandy, and float a little sherry on top and serve. WHISKEY SANGAREE. Prepared in the same manner as the Brandy Sangaree, using whiskey 54

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