1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)


Use a mixing glass.

The white of an egg. 2 dashes of gum syrup. J wineglass of absinthe. Fill the glass with fine ice.

Shake until outside of the shaker is frosted, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.

CHAMPAGNE FRAPPE. Place the bottle in the champagne cooler, fill around it with fine ice and salt, whirl the bottle until the wine becomes almost frozen, and serve.


Use mixing glass.

Juice of half a lemon. A little orange juice. I barspoonful sugar. 4 pony of pineapple syrup. I pony of cream.

I drink of Santa Cruz rum. Pack goblet with fine ice. Shake to the freezing point, strain and serve.

VERMOUTH FRAPPE. Use medium size, thin glass. I drink of vermouth. Pill glass with shaved ice. Fill up with carbonated water and serve. 59


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