1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

POCKET TELESCOPE Handy Pocket Telescope for Spotting Airplanes, Getting a "Close Up" View At Out-of- Doors or At Sport Events!

5 inches

Where Is The Pea? The old shell game. An old one that is alvrays new. You can make the pea appear Tindemeath any shell you wish, and no matter what shell is picked by a spectator ho is shown to be always wrong. Watch them sit up and take notice when the little pea moves mysteri ously from one shell to tlie other. NOTE; This trick is sold for entertainment purposes only. Complete with directions. 2lCIC No. 2936. Three Shell Game. Price...

Over 1-iiicli Diameter—Large Lenses Wo think It's quito a classy looklne pocket tele. I scope, with Its black cn.amoled body and brightly Knlcl;cl plated metal drawers. Most people buy a tclo. I scope to make objects appo.or closer, but did you I know that by Jooklnrr through It the opposite way. I that Is through the objective lens, It has the opposite I oifcct? Measures 2i/i Inches closed—5 Inches long I wlten fully extended. _ . 1No. 6731. POCKET TELESCOPE. Prteo. ...


Ribbon Factory From The Mouth Trick

trick and - purposes. WIN 'EM ALLI Sot^V of fair or rog-^^ ular dice, plus^ dice of other., combinations. - Substitution — con bo done '

Draw yard af ter yard of va- rloMS colored rll>- bon from an ap parently 1 n o X- haustlblo supply in your mouth. You can fill a largo ba.sket full of the ribbon or cover practic.aJly the entire floor with no dlscom- f o r t. Mystify your friends. No. 320r Price. . . 10 Comic Moito Cards TICKLE ME SW I P E ME COMETO PAPA

Moke OgarefS out o( Nothing!

CIgarc from noth' i n g? I m possible?

easily. Trans- parent red. Full 5-8-in.

- No. 8152. 4 Dice Combination^ {Win alll) 2 regular dice, i dlco all 5'k: 1 dice four 2's. and two O's. Per Set / 9^ No. 8150. 5 Dice. 2 regular; 2 with two I's, 3's and 5's; 1 with two 2's, 4*s and 6's. Set / Identification Cards Fool your friends with these cards— they look so real.FUblllfold or pocket. Hand somely printed In two colors. No. 2511. Press Card. Price. . No. 2512. Physician Card. Price lOo No. 2513. Pliotooraphcr Card. . .10c No. 2514. Joke Police Card. . . .lOe No. 2515. Detective Card Price lo« No. 251G. Sheriff Card. Price, .loc No. 2519. Driver's License lOe No. 2507. Beauty Judge Card...loe -j .lOe

Get this trick and your audl- ence will think It n« Simple. Full tions included. No. 3632. Price

to in Set

Acquaintance Cards • Get acquainted

with the girls quickly—no intro ductions needed. Those humorous, saucy cards start you out with a bang. Each has a comical Introduc tion or verse. If one doesn't work, the next one should. Snappy, yetgood humored. No. 2072. f Am CompletoSet**'^




Phoney Stage Money Get a Roll of These Bills "With a bunch of theso bills, it is easy for a person of limited means to appear pro.sperou3. By flaBliing a roll of theso bills at tho proper time, and peeling off a genuine bill or two from the outside roll the effect created will be found to be all that can be desired. The bills are on good paper and are same size as the regular bills. These bills are frequently used at fairs, carnivals, bazaars and other functions. We have them in the following denorainationa: ONES, FIVES, TENS, TWENTIES, FIFTIES, ONE HUNDRED AND ONE THOUSAND. 60 cents Tor 120 bills, or $3.60 per 1,000 bills postpaid to any address. No. 2978. STAGE MONEY. 40 Bills fOP.... *"® Mdrxiage License & .Fun Certificates LcufffGy Colorful Certificaies for Framing Attractive Fun Certificates printed on high grade paper to make them look "official" and suitable for framing. Printed in several colors. Order by number. 10c each or 3 for 25c. 2783. MARRIAGE

2795. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE. Ppico Only 2790. AIR PILOT'S LICENSE. Prico Only. . 2796. COLLEGE DIPLOMA. Price Only 2793. dog LICENSE. Price Postpaid Only... 2794. ARREST WARRANT. Price Only 2791. DIVORCE CERTIFICATE. Price. . 2786. GO&SIPER'S CERTIFICATE. Price..

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t-ICENSE. Price Only. 2788. GOLD DIGGERS & GRAFTERS. Price. 2787.KIBITZERS. Price Postpaid Only.. 2789. I-ARMED DRIV- ER & NECKER. Price 2780. LIAR'S LI- CENSE. Price Postpaid 2781. PILOT'S

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LICENSE. Price Only. . 2784. BOOTLEGGER'S tOC diploma. Price Only..


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