1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

Fast Selling Dime Books

Conundrum* ond Riddles


TbU book i* p(>cket Ri7>o and contataa enough conuiMlniina. riddles and catehee to loiit yon for yoara. Hore aro aomo el them taken at random: •an Why did th« saee r^lf Why aro Itko ciUad? Doth noad •f droccJno. It MW turn over. tho WcD, boya, there aro 008 rioro of th«» conundruiuii, and if you want to haro a bunob of ran witii yotxr fin, or com# other fellows girl, or your mouirr-lu'law. or Uio rcJt of tbo faruUy. lou ahould aead 10 cento for this book at; oncc. no. 1017.1000 Choice Oonundrmna < Aea and HIddlst, Prtoo Postpaid *wwr

'New Book sT 1000Choice. CotMxmdimmsZsmd Riddles

1 wocud. hot it always elves mo the CREEPS)

Bay why don^ yott kalp oiy coAar bottoof

850 TRICKS OF MAGIC Thlfl Taloablo book contains dlrectlone for performing amusi/if end myrteriotis trkdca in ma^ gJo and locordemain. In cluding aloltfht}* with

Thm Finest

Antaxc Yotxr

FfScMtdlm "*«0 Parlor Trloki" D fully Illustrated. IVIy« •torloot tricks with dicot dominoes, cards, rib* bona rings, fruit, coins, hanokaronlofs. How to •at flra, put 000 In bot tle. oto.

SNAPPY JOKES Now Collection of Rich and Rare Jokea, Coinpilad by a Jolly Bartender for St^ Parties, Smokers, Etc. KNOW. Ills DATU llOW TUTT CAN Rintt

SNAPPY JOKES Wan, boya. thero'a "something doing" la a ioko book at last, "Unappy -ToUce' In iho oarao of It, and It has boon pronounced "IX" with capital Icthirs. I'agu aftor pago of rich and rare Jokes, compiled by a JiJjy bftrtandtir for stag partleo, nmokcni, eic. Clean, frcnh hooior—not a dull page In th, .iliolo book. If you want to "laugh aud grew fat*** nad ^'flnappy Jokca" For every Jok# that was acWctcd for thin hook, at Loiaat thn>« were dlaoardod aa "cot luuny cTiough." tVo have roooivt^ numoronn lottera from rendem and public rpcakora who any It In one of fJia hnet collootiuna thoy havo •mr accu. r(>frur(Ut-iu) of prioo. For Stag Partlms, Smolcors, Etc. It'a cheaper tlian tho piieo of a pound of moat ami Just aa aatisfylng. fto gat buiry. txjys, and onltr a copy bcforu your friend dueii iDnn't bo a olsm In compaoy, Ort a copy or "haappy Jokee"—it coi:ta only a dime, but H ccmtalns a dollar's worth of fuu. N«. 1047. Snappy Jokaa. ^Ag* Prkm PertpaW



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