1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide


Dance The LafesI SfepsI Roally good dancera are •welcome almost CTery- wbere. Partners welcome tbem eagerly. Learn the ne'weat, smartest stei)s with the aid of this book and become a dancer -who is sought after. After foUo'wing the instructions in this new book yon should not hare to make excused when the dance mnsio atarta Besides you'll get lots more fun out of partica and dancea. If you want to become a perfect dancer, leam to dance at homo this new, eai>y way. WHAT THE BOOK TELLS: How to develop poise and control, how to improve your dance stops, the art of holding, how to walk by music, how to lead, how to do the latest Fox Trot Steps, Natural and Reverse Turns, the Reverse Wave, also the continental, the famous Kiss dance, the Manhattan, the College nba, etc. Explains the Rhumba, Carlo, La art of calling: details the grand March and similar steps, the Tango. Charleston, etc, ••Cm No. 1301. ART OF DANCING. Price. , Special! Late Swing Dance Book! Swing Dances, Big Apple, Shac, Posin', Truckin', Peekln', Shine, Suzio-Q, Swlng>High, Swink-Low. La Conga, Acrobatic. Shimmy Dance, The Burled, Fan Dance, One Step Swing Waltz, Uncv Hop, Boomps-a

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Powell, Fred Astalrc and others? Loam to tap dance in A FEW HOURS by a new, simplified eourso of lessons by Prof. Hnwley tvilson. No SDCClal ability nocdea. Four com plete courses: waltz,fox trot,danc ing without music, dancing to "not" nlusic. Be smart! Leam tap dancing.' Everybody's tap-

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VAMPING BOARD Piano Vamping Maile Easy

MOW TO DANCE Old & New Dances

Surprisingly simple system. This vamping board fits right onto any piano. It Is placed up right, right over ttio Ireyo. Just glance at It as you are playing and you can vamp tiio

Hore is anotbor book which every dancer should have. Tho stops outlined in it are basic and a necessity for e'rery ballroom dancer. Written In plain, everyday lan guage so that any person of aver age inlolllffonce should have no difficulty In unders^tandlng It. DANCES—March, QuacLrillo, Plain Quadrlllo, Fancy Guadrillcs, Jig, Gavotto, Minuet, Sociable, Star. H.iskot, Surprise . QuadrUlo, Royal Lancers. Caledonians. Prince , im- pcrlal. Wnlta Quadrilles, Glide Lane- erg. Vlrjclnla Rod, Pop Goes Weasel. Glide Caledonians; ROUND DANCES—Old and Modern WalUos, Now Society Walta, Redowa. •ULi- quot" or Polka. Polka Mazurka. Pol ka Redowa. Bohemian Polka. Schot- tlBChe. Gallop. Germ.in. Maze. -Two sopp. Three Step; MODERN DANCES. "T^go, Fox Trot.otc^ Ballroom etiquette explained. trated. Party dance . XSe

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