1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide
STAMP COLLECTING OUTFIT Colled Poslaoo ''l'7;il'rr?".^veoplnB S?Sum'°conSanlSB''64 Pi>S"f
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50 BriCish ' dCclonies, ISe en^pirer A Stamps from the world's great- thrilling collection 50 nil differ- ent genuine post-
or lllustnilions. spaces tor 2,pou stamps and directions on counting stamps and starting ,a stamp club. J. 100 Different Foreifln Stamps. 3. 200 sump Hinges. 4. Perforation Gauge. 5. Watermark Dotoctor. o. Special Prixo Set of Stamps valued at
25c or more in the Stamp Catalog. 7. "Stamp Finder" v.-hich tolls at a glance the coxmtry to which any stamp belongs. A ilrst class outfit. Contains every* thing you need to start a collection. No. 7731. The Discoverer Outfit ..39c
ago stamps irom British colonies in scattered cor ners of the earth: Ceylon, India, Malay States, Union of South Africa, Australia and othcrB. * #% Ho. 7856. 50 British Colonies. Postpaid.. Begs Of POSTAGE STAMPS Buy your stamps by the bag—at this low priccl Absolutely uhr plcl^cd mixtures, sold 1 .•\3 received. In each
u. s.
Airmail stamps—always ihteresting in any col lection! These show a map of the United Statc.9, •with two planes flying in opposite directions; a winged globo; and the American eagle. "i Wo. 7643. Five U.S. 1926*38 AlpposU Price 12c Stamp Mixtures Big paclreta
• bag you'll find the as sortment to be well worth the price and you may find many st.-imps that you can add to your collection. You'll have plenty of extra stamps for trad ing. Stamps are mostly on paper, clipped from envelope or card. Each bag contains about lOO to 200 stamps. Four bags to select from, as listed below.
at a 1 ow price. Con tents consist of between 150 and 200 stamps mostly on paper. Parcel Post Mixture con tains smaller quantity. No. 7888A. World Wlxture. Prioo
. 77S5. North America, Latin America f d West Indies Mixture. Price Postpaid.,.....**® . 7765. Parcel and Letter Mail Mixture. Postpaid. .12o . 7768. Overseas Mixture. Price Postpaid 12e . 7772. World Wide Mixture. Price Postpaid ....12e TREASURE - CHEST MIXTURE Contains 2 0 0
No. 7889A. North American Mixture. Price. ,12o No. 7890A. Oversea Mission Mixture. Price... 12o Ho. 7891 A. Foreign Parcel Post Mlxturo. Price 12o 50 Stamps IPrcm 50 Countries Wliat a col lection! 50 dif ferent genuine stamps, with not more than one from any country. A world cruise to interesting and far-off lands; China. Indo-China, New Zealand. Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Andorra, Switzerland, Monaco, Portugal, Sweden, Finland. Brazil. Chllo, etc. iOC No. 7187. BO Stamps from 50 Countries.. JhFROH
mixed stamps. OI- ton contfiins nxany odd and v/cird stamps not usually found In common mixtures. Stamps are put Into pach- age by weight. Just as they ore re-
»< cclvcd. Large 7* 4V2-ln. window envelope. No. 7874. Price lOe, plus 3c postage, SEND....*?® Aviation Stamps
Exciting packet of aviation stamps only, from all parts of the world. Includes giant-size airmails ahowing piano over Great Wall of China and Russian piano racing motorcycles (both illus trated) ; Ecuador Constitution and World's Fair Airmail Com- mcmoratives—a total of 20 un usual airmail varieties. Includes
500 U^Aixed U. S. At least 30 varieties of Unltcri States stamps in. eluding commemoratlvcs. alrmalUs and high values. Fine for those who special ize In U.S. You'll find many you can use yourself, and tho.se you don't use you con swap. No. 7840. Price 25c. plus 5c postage. SEND.^"^^
J rT''
many of tho most artistic foreign airmail stamps issued—many of them in ultra-modern design. Air mail stamps are fast becoming the favorites of many collectors. 4 am No. 7648. 20 Aviation Stomps. Postpaid.. A real thrill for stamp collectors I One pound of unsorted postago stamps, mostly on pieces of original cover, just as gathered by foreign mis sion houses I (To make the mixture still mere interesting, wo'vo chucked into each box a handful of good stamps from our own stock.) Includes nearly 2,500 stamps from more than 75 countries. Each box also contains
Money For Sfampc Sell Your Stamps for $ $ $ S S A buying list of lector dig up the stamps in your attic, Ect this book and deter mine their Taluo. . Book lists stamps and Biros pncos. Stamp collectors sell yonr extra copies. Address on cover gives name of stamp company who will buy them. _ Iflf* No. 163S. price Postpaid. . Add State and Federal Taxes whore Necessary—Avoid Polay In Filling Your Order. BUYIIUG STAMPS I stamps with prices I paid by a stamp 1 dealer. If you are not a stamp col
a Special Prize Set of stamps haTing a price in the Standard Postage Stamp -Catalog of two dollars or more. Most • of the stamps of course, are European and not a few of them are the cheapest varieties. CA
Wo. 7797. (Add 10c Postage). Price
500 Mixed Foreign Stamps Approximately 500 foroigu stamps, mostly on paper. WolRho
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