1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

yoiir c.ltOMCe oi . Ortly 3Sc E^ch Ulastraf^d below are a number of Wigs, some scaling for aa little as 35c. Althougli low in pnce, they Qro well niade and giTo a "natural appearance" when worn. Do Luxe wigs arc made of Mohair, car^ fully finished and styled. Order by Number. Chitracter,

No. 4435. Blonde CurtS^^^ No. 4440. Curled. No. 4801. De Luxe....SI.65 Price Postpaid


Minstrot. . 3SC 4439. Dutch Boy35e fjo, 4306. Oo Luxe 85c No. 4808. De Luxe....51.65

No.4451.Colonial Lady 35c No.4441. No. 4803. Do Luxe....$1.65 No. 4802,

Colonial Man 3Se No. 4450. Bobbed. De Luxe....$1.05 Price Postpaid.... Make Up Supplies Same As Actors Use In Stage Plays For theatrical and general use. Amazingly natural changes can be dono with slight effort. Mncr DIITTV Completely alters the nUOI. rUI I I shape of the nose Into any type you desire. Useful for making warts, moles, etc. Flesh No°'^7008. Nose Putty. Price Ido.al for negi minstrel make up. Easily applied In various shades to Bult your requirements. Washes off easily with soap and water. fOc No. 7013. Burnt Cork. Price on face. Holds firmly and cari be x^c- movcd with cold cream. Holds tignt and comes off clean. _ . X^SC No. 7011. Spirit Gum. Price BLACK WAX tMth.^^'^Wo^liod soft With fingers and can bo apoUod to any teeth to give appearance of missing tooth. _ , XCC No. 7007. Black Wax. Price For 00 the face "making up" for eharactcp. or to show wrinkles. Colors: Black, bipwn, gray, crimson, white and fioen. No. 7O09. Mako Up Sticks. XCc State Color Desired. Each. .... Mustaches & Beards No. 4361. Charlie Chaplin . Cc (Hitler) Style. Black. Price.... No. 4376. Full Mustache. f OC Trim to suit. State color.... No. 4368. Full Beard & _ . CAc Mustache. State color. Pj'ce ^ No. 4369. Side Whiskers & CAC Mustache. State color. Price ^ STATE COLOR DESIRED WHERE NECESSARY Used for pat. -. .. boards and mustaches


Gentleman's Wig

No. 44SS. Gentleman's wig. A hand some wig tliat should on-

Yokel's Wig No. 4391. Yokel's Wig. For lm« personatinK drunk, tramp. vlllQln, emigrant. Bro\TO, black, or red. SL^to_coIo^_desl^cd^ Postpaid . . . #3^

_ banco one's appearance. Well made, . close fitting. Blonde, brown, j^OC black, gray or rod. Price. Bandit & Party Masks

Negro Make up Set C o m- pr1ses a black Btockln;:- ctte mask that can be slip ped over tlio head, odd eyes, buck

Here are two styles of the famous BANDIT

and PARTY MASKS that are so popular. \Vhon you wear them, thcv conceal most of your face. Fine for parties, etc. Get a few to have on hand at all times. TAo No. 4609. Half Mask.. . .

Burnt Gorki

. . 'teeth. Md Iml^tlon plantatloTj straw hat. Entire make-up is Instan- pneous and most effective. No. 4358. Price Postoald

3 for 2Sc. 75c doz.

PRISON PENNANTS "SAY, PAL, YOU BEEN IN STIR?" Most people hang pennants on their wall show the college or resorts they've been to. Hang up several of those and tell your friends about

PLAY MONEY Suitable for playing store, oker, games, stago work, etc. Play money is approxU m.atoly correct size and color. "1" la copper color and the rest are Imitatioa [silver color. No. 9377. Size "1". « 100 Pieces for No. 9378. Size "5", * C* llOO Pieces for *3® No. 9379. Size "10", 100 Pieces for *3® No. 9380. Size "25". — ICQ Pieces for. .... ,%VC Pieces for25e


your days In the "pen." The loading prisons. Colorful felt, 3x9-lnches. Choico of Alcatraz. San Quentin, Sing Sing, Loavon* »-worth, Atlanta, Joliot, Devil's Island. State Prison desired.



PMtpald. . .


No. 9381. Size No. 9382. 200

Assorted Pieces Play Money too

3 for 25c. Ail 6 for 39c.

Made with