1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide


For Schools, Clubs, Etc. AlsoSweaters, Jackets, Coats Official Color Guide Use Guide when ordorincr. Whito Black Old Gold Light Gold Purple Light Maroon Dark ITIaroon Navy Royal Biud Light Blue Light Grey Dark Drown Cardinal Scarlet Light Orange Dark Orange C.anary Kelly Green Dark Green

^ i^^i'^'varsity athletes. High piled chonillo letters, fine aua''ty' Beautiful two-eolor work. Full 8« IcUcr stylo. PRINT PLAINLY. Inch Di jjiiyal desircrt. 2. Give both colors desired, o Gn^ifv color In middle. Any two-color combination. ^;Tn be made tlie same rolor as your present hlRh letters. Use official color fruldo to match color. No. 75S3. Varsity Sweater Emblems. ftl.GO R Inches deep. Each Postpaid B . Spoclal Insignia 2Sc Each Wo can weave Into varsity emblem No. 7583 only n football, basketball, baseball, racket, boxing gloves, golf club, year, **champ," etc., for 2Sc extra. Handsome 2 Color Felt Emblems Yotir choice of any two colors. This permits you to TTpnr vour own school or club colors. Full block letters. Slzo 7 Inches hlfth. 1. State initial desired. 2. State both' colors desired. 3. State middle color. Any letter or numei^ can bo furnished. State full particulars when ordering. PRINT PLAINLY. ^ ^ hRc No. 7582. 2-Color Felt Emblems. Price Each. .. Blue on Orange Sweater Emblems A beautiful, smart letter in full block typo. Size O inches hlf^b. Color of letter is blue on brilliant orange felt. Worn on sweater, Jacket, coat, sweatshirt, ffym shirt, etc. No choice of color on this number. State initial desired. Any letter of the alphabet can bo supplied. PRINT PLAINLY. 'VCt* No. 7581. Blue on Orange Sweater Emblems. Each'^J^

Sc/Ufd Name Emblems

/W ColorfuS, Sporiy Transfers for SweatshirtS/Efc. I wU I brilliant colors which can V-t> / JcUr J he permanently put on \ \m5\/V^/l Sweatshirts, BoerJackets, Gym Suits, Bathing Suits, Duck Trousers, Overalls, Caps, Trench Coats, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Hot Iron Transfers in

High Piled Chenille


ll ji

Ties, and other clothing and articles. Works liko m.-urlc—a child can do it. Rah-rah Coilego Dosigns, Sport Figures, Jitterbug, Names and Screwball De-

Smart 2-color, genuine hlith piled chonillo script name emblems. Cleanly sewed and stitched and hacked up with hard wearinir oil cloth. For s^vcat• ®rs. jackets, etc. Inches deep. When crdorlnn be sure to: 1. PRINT NAME: 2. What 2 colors are required; 3. Middle color. And if name has over 0 letters In it, add 6 cents for each additional letter. State full particulars in order. wyv (If over 6 letters, add 7 cents for each additional.) PRINT NAME AND GIVE COLORS DESIRED. No. 7045. Script Name Emblem. (6 letters or less.) Prico Postpaid..


Comic Chapacters, etc.

Put on with a

Hot Iron.


No. 2211. Package of 20 Designs, only 3 Big Packages 40oj $1.35 per dozen packages. Novelty Straw Hat Here's a pop

jMake Your Watches, Clocks, Etc., {.Visible by NiEhi SLIS? 1^351 tleany txnobttitziable except at on oxorbiOnt ptm, we hsTa et last cneeeeded In prodocinr this rcujarkabla LUMINOUS PAINT, which, sppilcd to ue sonaM of any artfcle. emits rave of white Hs^reaoertnc It perteothr^stble ^toodju-k. THEDARK^ THE NIGHT,THEMOBBBBltXiAWITS^ES. Quito acmple to oae. Anrooo-yoo can do it.' A Uttlo applied te the dial of your wutch or c«ock wbl anablo you to toll the time by nlfhL You can coat the paeh DQttona ^ Bwiteh platoa oi your electric Uybta^ match boxes, and innttmoiwle other orticlor.; make your own Laminoxis Crucj&xea, Luminoua Itoaarles* etc. Bottle oontaixuasr euilLclcnt. to coat eoyeral email omcles. No. 4032, 25e, , Larger Sizes, No. 4033 SOe, sind No, 4034 $1.00 Dostpald* , ,

ular noveltv hat. The hat is mode of excellent , quality straw. \ nicely stitched and equipped


, with an elastic band. Assortod bricrht colora. Great for parties, masquerades, etc. Good lauffh producer. Comes in 7, 7 lA find 8 inch sizes. mml. No. 7270. Price Each Hat.. .15C Made To Order , . .

67 nomos. Put your school, state or city colors on your car. In your bedroom or den, at the club, etc., etc. Well made of felt cloth In correct colors, with seal iu many cases. GIVE NAME REQUIRED. Alabama Arizona Arkansas —Army Idaho —illtnols —Indiana —Iowa Kansas Missouri Montana Navy Nebraska New Hampshire New York

Pennants ANY NAME on lanre sized PENNANTl Hand made of two color felt. Each individual letter is sewed on to crive a splendid effect. Fine quality appearance. 12" lontr and G" deep, t. Print name desired, 2. Give background color. 3. Give color of letters. Fine for clubs, dens, oflicog, teams, .ichoola, bedroom, rec reation room, auto. etc. No. 2201. Prico Each..,.13v^ College Pennant Stickors Couferoncc and coIIoko as sortments. For pasting on books. luircrajTC, walls, car win dows. etc., etc. No. 2122. "QIQ TEN" -9e.c Assortment. (Midwestern) ^9*' No. 2123. "UIQ SIX" Assort ment. (Includes Notre Damo & Others) Set of lO^. No. 2125. EASTERN Assort ment. (Yalo. H.arvard, Dart mouth. Princeton, Columbia.<«e Cornoll. etc.) Set of 10 ^3®

California —Chicago Colorado Kentucky Louisiana —Columbia Louisiana State Cornell Maine —Dartmouth Maryland Florida Massachusottt Fordhnm —Michigan Georqia —Minnesota —Harvard Misslssipoi —Purdue Rhode Island

North Carolina —Northwestern —Notre Damo Ohio Oklahoma Orcnon —Pennsylvania —Princeton

Vermont —Virginia

- . . j. Washinqton West Point West Virginia —Wisconsin

—Southern Calif South Carolina SLanford —Tennosaoo

—Texas —Duko —Vale Take your choice end order several Of them. Size. 3x9 Inches. _ . No. 2121. FELT PENNANTS. Each...***^ 3 Pennants for 25c. or 7Sc per dozen. — LARGE 30 INCH PENNANTS — ~ Those marked with a dash (—> can also no supplied In the 30" size. Give name and order by follov.'lnjr number. No. —2184. 30" Pennant. Each. • • • 3 for €5o. 6 for $t.20

Made with