1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

A^r Piitoli AUigotort _'

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Archfry Scf* v '• ',• ' Bonkt Cr-Ywutti'' '





.• Billlol(Jt'^;.Coin.Puu«i


Bodt^ .

Boo^i lor Xoirert-' r , • Bookson.Yextriloquil^.' ' ' - Candid Co/nVto*'*:. ' Chbnr>«-1eoni' ^ ChemnK]i'&-, Scientific Sell ' , Cigefeile Coses .i.' ,* Co.ri Checks. • • Cowbdy.NWitie) ' .i;- :," • ' . Curious Secdi - i'^ Oiiguiici" -, '.-.U/'-'"f • electrical Appliances Elcetric Bbscboll Gome - fleetiic Eye , -v''' Clcclr't Pcnl^'IPttisor .'••j-V-V'' Elccfrlo'Tie'Presoer •' ^ 1*1* . Elccirie•TrolfiV/." Cleciro-Ploldri; j- — . ' ' Ese(ei*eri-i "r,'r-|' EspTodih^ 'Jolcets.* Vrri j • .•Feocing Supplies','•"/'ly .f/iiV; Field Glosses .^*.' Firdormi and.Rifle's • y\ V; Fireworks ' ' '-Yv- ''" , Fishing Supplies .'.i ' ' Fortune' Tcliots\ ' '' Gomes oF Chance 'I Hobbies . • ' .Home VrolkshoR Tools" . ' Hulo Hlilo Skirts ; V" . '["J. Hunting Kniyei', • • • Hypnotism' Book^ ' indran>Nov'ellict- , 'l'""' indoor Carries-I. . Inklcss.FoUrslofn Petf,'/"'*'/*. Jewdtry.', ' . , V . / ' Morrioge L'icertsc.10^' - Microscopes.'''•'•'.,J ); •/y.j* ' Model Airp,lohe,s,''k^A'.^^ ^ Muscle Developers , V' Musical Noreltiei Norel Rings. '., Novelty Clocks/'.: V ^ OccuiJ^'Novelties .Offjee'.Timfi "Sov^ri '• "./• ' Oriental. Novtltlej Over 30Pn6c B.dt^Ht PcrsROit^i. AWords -• r' ' P'P®*/ ^ •'.•-. 't' - Peck^ Adding,M'tichinn , ' ,Porlobld'Rodlos..^c Up'. Preit'Cardi .Ptinting*Prcites'» * .1,' •' ,'Prdj'^lori Cr Fi1m> ;' V '. 'Puixlr h4ohey''ffpia't. , 'Pusxies' I •. Rodiostir'Supplies , '• Reod-Jhc-'Bock Cords Religious. Articles '. Rubber Stgpspi ' Secret,Mo'ney Bciti"; 7- ' Se* Books i . ' Skeleton Keys SliHcRules '7 > • ), Smokers'- Novelties , ia'.'.., Spiritudiiftie'Novtllics .Spoffing Goods ; • Stomps'.' j Swcoter Emblem.*' • ' . Sy^be,!'Jc'iveify' ' • , , Tele^roph Sets. 15c up' Telescopes'. '. • T'cujsmltf'ers , ' Turlleh,.; ' • \ ' ' • ^ • •Live;'Anir»toU';,';^ ' Lire 'Ant .Villog'os, jMogic Tricky";'', • Moke Up Gpods^ : , Locke S ''" t ,'v'T •• ),'•> , 'v, » .


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Catalog of Gift Articles, Jewelry, Etc; Wc also publish a largo catalog of gift goods, dia- monds, 'watclies, jewelry, silverware, automobiliB euppKoa, high grade furniture, etc. The art wort and color pages are aiiperb. Contains a complele line of strictly HIQH GRADE MERCHANDISE. Many jewelers use this ART CATALOG a.q a counter aalosman to show customers. On at^count of tfio very high cost of producing tliis catalog wo are compelled to make a clmrg(5 of $1.00 for some. Send one dollar in ANY CONVENIENT EK)IIM (iKistoge stamps accepted) and copy will be sent you by return mail. a* > py r t r il. a A No.144. Catalog of Furniture, Jewelry, etc.

form. Dank draft, money order, cash, unused u. S. postaQo stamps, credit checks of other mail order firms, U. s. defense savinQS stamps, etc. accepted. When BondlnR personal check, add 10c for col lection charfTOa. (Add 25c if Hawaii, Alaska or Porto Rico). FOREIGN ORDERS •Send remittances by money or der. bonk draft or currency. Allow for oxchnnfre to u. S. dollars. Add lO^o extra for t>n^t.nire nnd hnnclHnrr. ADD SALES TAX TD AVOID DELAY t ox".,- K.'»nio .n.s would be udjJod if you purchaned your szoeds nt locni fjtcro—to a-YOld doloy In Bhlnplntr your order. SUBSTITUTIONS & PRICE CHANGES mny suljstjtuto /or rmy out of itock Itomso ''pHcos'1^1 subject to chansre without notice. s-ncee arc

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