1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide


]|Uiuocs PiNK,


"• NEW

COIN TRICKS Tbe latest sleigbt-of- hnnd tricks with conM^to gether with inatnjctiona for palming. | No. 1914. PRICK A*'*-'

cs A select collection ofthe latest conundrums, jokes, monologues, end men gogf, croas fires, stories, etc. No. 1807. PRICE lOc

FLIRTATIONS Tbe lunKuose ofpottoge otRiDps,oUthe jecret li^s. ioelouationj, iavitntions «Bld captivationa, alto the art of flirting with cone. CoBifhandkerchief,etc. the language of flowers and wutx3grapb album verset. Ho. 1918. PRICE.. .10c

COON JOKES Contoiiiing the lotest and funniest moiKkloguea, crossfire, cngi, jokes, etc., us used by the best known blnck-ioice artists on tbe stage. No. 1902. PRICK 10c


CARD TRICKS For home amusement snd entcftalnment. Slm- plifled and arranged so anyoneconperform. I No. 1913. PRICE XUC

^LETTER WRITER Contoininn model love, friendly, social and bus!- nesiletters, olso commer- cialformSiCtc. No. 19W. PRICE XvL

PARU>r qameS CootuQlng « choice —• lection of gofnes and amusements for social ontertdnrnent gAy« No. 1927. PRICK lUC

VAUDEVILLE JOKES Tbe hjtest and bestjokea, jRODologues, gags, fuimy ftories.etc., utiased by the saost prominent perform- rrsanthevaudeviile stoae. No. 1809. PRICE. lOc

SELECT RIDDLES A forge coUectioci of well chosen riddles from a great vorirty of sources. No. 1907. PRKHv. . .Ilk:

VOA^t Jokes

ju] cbarsctor

IhMuiLy KUlfti lor Rtago, and •'Tuo'day xuvi.



riil'iiii, how to portmy rlin.rarti'r8, Iww Ut rrn- plmolr^o nood iK>b)(s an

minstrel JOKES

ROARING JOKES l.eugli and be happy. Sbrty lougbt a mmutc. The latest ond grcotrst ortginul jokcv, corapflcd by a star performer, f A^ Hm. IH42. PRIf^E XvC

'^ol'ection of the ?*• •nonologue.,


fires IIKXI by the Icodioe bU^.foce aivl mtartrel artiiis. ^ A artists. No. I8J». PRICE

FARMER JOKES A wonderful selection of jolccs, witty strings, etc. New and original. -|A«% No. 1919. PRICK XUC




TRAMP JOKES Containing recitations, monolottucfl, funny sny- j<^es, etc., for oma- teur and profesfiionol en- tcrtniners. | A^ No. 1822. PRICE X"*- It CARD TRICKS, A select collrclion ofthe latest and most inystifv- Ing trlrkn at- ranli^ silJt Bl>fs fnr prrifc-nlof* fimntoum No. 1921. PIUC:E XUC and

New Reii Hot |„|,p

toe SPLITT0IG JOKES Kvery one a luui-Ji pro ducer, carefully ajlcctcd from the l>cal wit und


MONOLOGUES ConUlntng up-to-date tnonulogues by tiic best comedians of the day. No. 1925. PRICE. .10c

I'mluii*jok.*., in.itM iMtt. "s;?,!:."'!??

buinoTijfthcdiiy. No. 1857. PKK.r.

CdWBOY JOKES All uimsiial reflection of tlie latest jokes, funny otorirN and snappy yarns froin flic West. No. IH5f. PRICE

Chok® Riddles '•""unclnmn •

.iOT STUFF Ccmtuini a choice vari- ety of Ihc Iiilest and best Jokes, blnck-fncc cross fire, gags, conundrums. | A^ N». IK4(., PRICK


. 1«


Popular T0A8T8I

RED HOT JOKES Containing u cboicr se lection of jokes never told on the singe, nuitnble foi fllMg parties, bHiiqurts, cluD-rooma ete. 10c

®ook of pijzzlos

COIN TRICKS Slclgld-oriiund tricks With coins, will) instriic- (kail for sclent ilic palming, ^ 10c Nil 192J. rRICB

POPULAR TOASTS A m I'T't of cht'ifo l-nwhi for all no- '.a-ii>{iii fiy uiojiy fiiauyui num. iQg



No. 1010. Prfoe.

No. 1911. PUfCU':

Made with