1919 Home made beverages


INTO a 12-oz. glass draw 1J^ oz. of simple syrup. this squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and 1 orange. Fill 1-3 full of lemon ice and balance with carbonated water. 2. — Into a 12-oz. glass draw \ x /2 oz. of tonic syrup and break into it an egg. Add the juice of a small orange, an ounce of grape juice and a little fine shaved ice. Shake thoroughly and fill with carbonated water, the same as when making an egg phosphate. Strain into a clean glass and serve. 3. — Into a 14-oz. glass draw 2 oz. of pineapple syrup, 1 oz. of grape juice and J^ oz. of claret wine. Into this squeeze the juice of J^ of an orange and fill 1-3 full of fine ice. Fill with soda and mix with spoon, decorate with slice of an orange and 2 cherries on picks. Serve with straws. 4. — Into a 12-oz. glass draw J^ oz. of raspberry syrup, 1 oz. of lemon syrup and 1 oz. of claret wine (the wine can be replaced by grape juice). Into this squeeze the juice of H a lemon, fill glass 1-3 full of fine ice and the balance with carbonated water. Mix by stirring, deco- rate with a slice of lemon and serve with straws. 5. — Yolk of 1 egg; grape juice, 1 oz.; lemon juice, 2 dr.; powdered sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls. Mix well together: add the hot water, top off with whipped cream and serve with nutmeg and cinnamon. 6. — Into a 12-oz. glass draw % oz. of raspberry, % oz. of orange syrup and 1 oz. of grape juice. Into this squeeze 107 Into

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