1919 Home made beverages

Chapter XVII.


Arrowroot ARROWROOT, 1 dessertspoonful; castor sugar, 1 Mix the arrow- root smoothly with a little cold milk, boil the remainder and pour it on, stirring briskly meanwhile. Return to the stewpan and boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Add the sugar and serve. If preferred, an equal quantity of water may be substituted for the milk. 1. — Barley, 2 tablespoonfuls; water, 2 qt.; sugar, 1 tablespoonful. Wash the barley well; put the barley and water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil; then boil very slowly for 2 hours, strain it, add sugar and let it cool. Barley water is very cooling and nourishing. The barley may afterward be used for a pudding or put into soup. 2. — One tablespoonful of patent barley (flour), a pinch of salt, a little cold water, J^ pt. of boiling water (or milk), sugar or port to taste. Mix the barley well with cold water until a smooth paste, about the thickness of cream, is formed; then add J^ pt. of boiling water (or milk, which is preferable); put into an enameled saucepan, add sugar or wine to taste, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring all the time with a silver or wooden spoon. 128 k, teaspoonful; milk or water, J^ pt. Barley Water

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