1919 Home made beverages

Beverages for the Sick

Bran Tea Bran, 2 tablespoonfuls; honey, 1 tablespoonful; gum arabic, J^ oz.; water, 1 pt. Boil the bran in the water for 20 minutes. Add the gum arabic and honey, stir from time to time until dissolved and strain through muslin. A useful remedy for hoarseness and sore throat. Lemonade Preparation For the production of lemonade preparations for the sick the Pharmaceuiische Rundschau gives the following recipes: 1. — Strawberry Lemonade; Citric acid, 6; water, 100; sugar, 450; strawberry syrup, 600; cherry syrup, 300; claret, 450; aromatic tincture, 15 drops. 2. — Lemonade Powder: Sodium bicarbonate, 65; tar- taric acid, 60; sugar, 125; lemon oil, 21 drops. 3. — Lemonade Juice: Sugar syrup, 200; tartaric acid, 15; distilled water, 100; lemon oil, 3; tincture of vanilla, 6 drops. 4. — Lemonade Lozenges: Tartaric acid, 10; sugar, 30; gum arabic, 2; powdered starch, 0.5; lemon oil, 6 drops; tincture of vanilla, 25 drops, and sufficient diluted spirit of wine so that 30 lozenges can be made with it. % oz.; sugar candy, J^ oz.; the juice of J^ lemon; the finely cut rind of J^ lemon; 1 pt. cold water. Wash and drain the linseed and sim- mer it with the water, licorice and lemon rind for about half an hour. Add the sugar candy, and when dissolved strain and stir in the lemon juice. Linseed Tea Whole linseed, 1 oz.; licorice,

Oatmeal Fine oatmeal, 1 tablespoonful;

water, 1 pt., or milk

and water mixed; sugar to taste; a pinch of salt. Mix the oatmeal with a little cold water, boil the remainder, pour in the blended oatmeal and stir until boiling. Simmer gently for half an hour, stirring frequently. Strain, add 129

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