1920 Down the Hatch


t l ump ·Sugar 2 tsp Water Crush sugar with a waddler and serve with a li t tle l ump of ice.


1 yolk of Egg 1 tablsp Powdered Sugar 1 jigger cold Seltzer ~ jigger Old Tom Gin

1 dash Orange Flower Water 2 tsp Lemon Jui ce ! scoop broken Ice

1 oz cold Milk Shake well and strain in a thin glass like a fizz .

HIGH BALL ,,,,.,,..

1 lump of Ic e i n thin glass

1 jigger

1 Rye Whiskey

Fill glass with cold Seltzer.


t tsp Curaca i o

1 tsp Natural Syrup

3 drops Angos tura Bi t ters 6 dr ops Peyschaud Bi t ters

1 jigger good Whi skey

1 lump of Ice Before mixing drink fill a tumbler wi t h ice and after you mix drink , throw i ce out and flavor glass with absinthe~ Put cocktail in t he absinthe glass and serve with a cherry. HORSES NECK Peel a nice Lemon so as to get the peeling Off whole . Put a l ump of ice betwe en it and pour in desired. amount of Whi skey. Then open bo t tle Ginger Ale and pour contents over.

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