1920 What to Drink E L Bertha




I egg white, Lemon syrup (see lemonade),

f cupful of water, I candied cherry.

\ To three-quarters of a cup of water add one-third cupful of finely cracked ice and lemon syrup enough to please the taste of the person to be served : shake well for two minutes, strain into a tall thin glass — an iced tea glass is a desirable type — and stir in the stiffly beaten white of an egg. Top with a thin slice of lemon and a candied cherry.


egg white,


£ lemon, 1 cupful of water, Cracked ice, 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, £ dozen strawberries.

Reserve the largest berry and crush the others; press through a fine sieve. Extract the juice from half a lemon, add to the strawberry juice and stir in the sugar. Continue to stir until the sugar is dissolved. Pour this into a cocktail shaker, adding the finely cracked ice and water. Shake hard for two minutes, strain into a tall glass, stir in the stiffly beaten white of an egg and top with the selected strawberry. HOT LEMONADE £ lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar, ii cupfuls of boiling water. Extract the juice from the half lemon, add the sugar and then the hot water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and serve.

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