1920 What to Drink E L Bertha

114 WHAT TO DRINK BARLEY WATER Many cannot take milk plain, but the addition of barley water adds to its digestibility.

2 ounces of pearl barley, I pint of water, Sugar.

Pour the water over the barley and boil slowly until there is a third less liquid. Strain and add sugar and serve. Barley water may be served alone or with milk. It is more palatable with milk.


i teaspoonful of barley flour, £ pint of water, i pinch of salt. Mix the barley flour with a little cold water, making a smooth paste ; pour the rest of the water on slowly, mixing and stirring constantly. Boil for a half hour, boiling fast all the time. Strain and add to milk, or add a little sugar, or if it is for an infant, it may be given from a nursing bottle without the sugar, between feedings, especially if the child is not getting sufficient nourishment from its own food. It is said that this tea is excellent to alleviate hoarseness, and is a most appetizing beverage, i dessertspoonful of black currant jam, i pint of water, i teaspoonful of sugar. Put jam, sugar and water in an enamel dish and bring to the boiling point ; simmer for five or six minutes. Strain and add lemon juice and serve hot; or chill and add a. little, cracked ice and serve very cold. BLACK CURRANT TEA

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