1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



Plain syrup, marshmallow cream, cherry. Plain syrup, marshallow cream, nuts.

With vanilla ice cream: Maple fudge sauce. Maple fudge sauce, nuts. Maple fudge sauce, nuts, cherries. Maple fudge sauce, marshmallow cream, nuts. Hot maple sauce. Hot maple sauce, nuts. Berkshire maple sauce (hot) nuts.

With vanilla ice cream: Honey sauce, whipped cream. Honey sauce, whipped cream, nuts. Honey sauce, chopped cherries. Honey sauce, chopped raisins.

Use with vanilla ice cream; Orange sauce, nuts. Orange sauce, small sections of orange pulp, nuts. Orange sauce, marshmallow cream, nuts. Orange sauce, marshmallow cream, chopped cherries. Orange sauce, marshmallow cream, shredded pineapple, nuts.

Use with vanilla ice cream; Prune sauce. Prune sauce, marshmallow cream. Prune sauce, marshmallow cream, nuts.

Use with peach ice cream Peaches sliced thin, whipped cream, cherries. Marshmallow cream, peaches crushed and mixed with plain syrup. Crushed peaches, whipped cream, chopped nuts. Caramel sauce, crushed peaches. Caramel sauce, marshmallow cream, crushed peaches. Plain syrup, crushed peaches, whipped cream.

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