1920 What to Drink E L Bertha

II — FRUIT PUNCHES, FRUIT CUPS AND FRUIT BOWLS The art of mixing a satisfying punch is not at all as mystifying as it is often thought to be. To mix enough for a number of guests one should own a punch bowl, and while one may spend almost any amount of money on such a thing, there are very inexpensive pressed glass bowls to be purchased. It is always advisable to select the very plainest style one can find. One of the better pressed glass bowls is in the desirable colonial pattern and will be found to be most satisfactory.


i pint of sweet cider, i pint of Apollinaris, i pint of white grape juice, Ice.

Place a square of ice in the punch bowl and pour the sweet cider and white grape juice over it, allow this to become very cold, and last pour the Apollinaris over. Serve in low punch glasses. BRISTOL PUNCH

1 quart of boiling water, 2 tablespoonfuls of tea, 6 sprays of fresh mint, i cupful of sugar, 2 lemons, i quart of sparkling apple juice ( commercial )\

Crush the mint, add the tea and pour the boiling water 18

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