1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



little French dressing, place in either sherbet or cocktail glasses, which have been chilled, and serve very cold. Berry- forks, oyster forks, or small salad forks are best to use for vegetable cocktails.


For individual portion use: 2 tablespoon fuls of minced tomato, 2 tablespoon fuls of aspic jelly, cut into dice,

\ teaspoonful of chopped chives, 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped celery, French dressing, Green peppers.

Remove the tops from as many peppers as are needed, remove the seeds and membrane and place on ice to chill. Cut the aspic jelly into dice, mince the tomato and chop the celery and chives, mix and drain. Use only enough French dressing to mix well. Serve very cold.


For each portion use: i peach,

4 drops of lemon juice, 3 Maraschino cherries, 3 tablespoonfuls of raspberry syrup, Ice.

Drop the ripe peach in hot water for one minute, remove the skin and chill the peach. Cut into small pieces, add the Maraschino cherries cut into quarters, and mix with a tablespoonful of shaved ice and three tablespoonfuls of rasp- berry syrup, either home-made or commercial. Serve very cold. Use a spoon with a fruit cocktail.

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