1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



pint of juice add one pound of sugar, and boil until of the consistency of syrup. Bottle and store for use. A table- spoonful to a glass of iced water is an excellent proportion.


2 quarts of raspberries, i quart of French vinegar, Sugar.

Put one quart of the berries in a deep crock and pour the vinegar over them, allowing this to stand for twenty-four hours. Strain through a jelly bag, add the other quart of berries and allow them to stand another twenty-four hours. Strain again, adding the berries, allow this to stand for a third time for twenty-four hours. Then strain through a muslin bag and add one pound of granulated sugar for each pint of juice. Boil the whole for half an hour, using a porcelain kettle. When cold, bottle and seal. Kept in a cool place this will keep for years, improving with age. Creoles use this vinegar by adding a teaspoonful to a small glass of iced water, sometimes putting a little more sugar with it, as pleases the taste of the guest.


10 quarts of blackberries, Cider vinegar, Sugar.

Cover ten quarts of blackberries with cider vinegar and allow to stand for three days, strain and press all the juice possible from the berries, using a jelly bag. To every pint of juice add one pound of granulated sugar and boil for twenty minutes. Skim, and when cold bottle and seal. To serve, use a tablespoonful to a glass of iced water.

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