1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



place on ice until ready to use. A teaspoonful to a small glass of crushed ice makes a desirable drink for hot days.


i pound of sugar, I quart of water, Currants to make £ pint of juice. Mash the currants, add a little of the quart of distilled water, and put on the ice for an hour. At the end of that time, strain through a jelly bag; add the sugar and the rest of the distilled water. Stir, and set on the ice until time for service. A •generous teaspoonful to a small glass of crushed ice, or a tablespoonful to a glass of iced water is about the amount which will prove pleasing to one's guests. PINEAPPLE WATER

i large ripe pineapple, i pound of sugar, i lemon, i quart of distilled water.

Peel the pineapple carefully, cut into thin slices, mash and allow to stand for ten minutes. Press as much of the juice as possible through a sieve, then allow it to drip through a jelly bag. Add the sugar and the water, stir and set on the ice until ready to serve. Into a claret glass of crushed ice put two teaspoonfuls of the juice, or into a small glass of iced water, put two tablespoon fuls of the juice.

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