1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



bag, add one pound of sugar to each pint of juice and bring to the boiling point again, boil for five minutes; take from the fire, add the peach extract and bottle in hot bottles.


I pint of pineapple juice, I quart of plain syrup, $ cupful of lemon juice.

Peel the pineapple, remove the eyes, using a pineapple scissors if possible, for in that manner it is possible to remove all the eye with the least amount of trouble. Wind a towel around the pines, and grate the pineapple on a coarse grater. Be sure to hold the pineapple over a porcelain kettle or dish while working with it, so saving all the juice. Heat a quart of plain syrup until it begins to boil, add the pint of pineapple juice, and boil for five minutes; take from the fire and add the lemon juice. Bottle while hot, using hot bottles. Seal and store in a cool place.


i pint of raspberry juice,

pound of sugar.


Pick all the stems from the berries and look them over very carefully as there are many little insects which like to hide in raspberries. Wash and mash thoroughly. Place on ice for twenty-four hours, strain through a bag and add one pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Bring this to the boiling point and boil for five minutes. Strain into hot bottles and seal. Keep in a cool place, preferably a dark one. RASPBERRY AND CURRANT SYRUP

£ pint of raspberry juice, £ pint of currant juice,

pound of sugar.


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