1920 What to Drink E L Bertha




1 cupful of milk,

i cupful of dripped coffee, 2 tablespoon fuls of plain syrup.

Separate the yolk and the white of the egg; whip the white dry and stiff ; put the yolk, milk and coffee in a shaker and shake well. Pour the mixture into a tall glass, reserving about a quarter; mix this with the egg white quickly and add to the top of the glass. Serve with a straw or long handled spoon.


$ cupful of milk, i cupful of thick cream, & cupful of dripped coffee, i egg, i£ tablespoonfuls of plain syrup, Ice.

Put the ice, milk, coffee and the yolk of the egg in the shaker and shake well. Beat the egg white until dry and whip the cream until stiff. Pour the coffee and milk mixture over the egg white, stir swiftly, blending thoroughly; pour into a tall glass and add the whipped cream, which should be sweetened slightly. Serve with a straw or long handled spoon.


(Recipe dated 1845)

1 dessert spoonful of ground coffee, 1 pint of milk, 2 shavings of isinglass. " Boil the coffee, milk and isinglass together for a quarter of an hour. Allow this to stand for ten minutes, and pour the liquid off."

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