1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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ceases, add one pint of good whiskey to the gallon, and bottle and seal securely. Ready for use in six weeks. ROYAL STRAWBERRY ACID Take three pounds of ripe strawberries, two ounces of citric acid, and one quart of spring water. Dissolve the acid in the water, and pour it on the strawberries, and let them stand in a cool place twenty-four hours. Then drain the liquid off, and pour it on three more pounds of fruit; let it stand twenty-four hours. Add to the liquid its own weight of sugar'; boil it three or four minutes in a porcelain-lined preserve- kettle, lest metal may affect the taste, and when cool cork it in bottles lightly for three days, then tightly, and seal them. Keep in a dry and cool place. It is delicious for sick and well. TO MAKE SUGAR WINE Boil five and one-half quarts of spring water a quarter of an hour, and when it is blood-warm put five pounds of Malaga rai- sins picked, rubbed, and shred into it, with five quarts of rfed sage shred and one-half cup of ale yeast ; stir all well together, and let it stand in a tub covered warm six or 104
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