1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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seven days, stirring it once a day. strain it out and put it in a runlet; let it work three or four days, and stop it up. When it has stood six or seven days, put in a quart or two of Malaga sack, and when it is fine, bottle it. TEARS OF THE WIDOW OF MALA- BAR Five quarts of plain spirit at 18°, one-half ounce bruised cloves, forty-eight grains bruised mace. Digest in a corked carboy for a week, add burnt sugar to impart a slight color, filter, and add four and one- half pounds white sugar, dissolved in one- half gallon of distilled or filtered rain water. Some add two or three ounces of orange- flower water. A pleasant liquor. TOMATO WINE Take ripe, fresh tomatoes, mash very fine, strain through a fine sieve, sweeten with good sugar to suit the taste, set it away in an earthen or glass vessel, nearly full, cover tight, with the exception of a small hole for the refuse to work off through dur- ing its fermentation. When it is done fer- menting, it will become pure and clear. Then bottle and cork tight. A little salt improves its flavor; age improves it. 105 Then
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