1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
i^oine M^'Ot WLirn^ CREME DE NOYAU DE MARTI- NIQUE Take twenty pounds of loaf sugar, three gallons of spirit of wine, three pints of orange-flower water, one and one-quarter pounds of bitter almonds, two drams of es- sence of lemon, four and one-half gallons of water. The produce will exceed eight gal- lons. Put two pounds of the loaf sugar into a jug or can, pour upon it the essence of lemon, and one quart of the spirit of wine. Stir till the sugar is dissolved, and the es- sence completely incorporated. Bruise the almonds and put them into a four-gallon stone bottle or cask, add the remainder of the spirit of wine, and the mixture from the jug Then add the re- mainder of the sugar, and boil it in the four and one-half gallons of water for three- quarters of an hour, taking oif the scum as it rises. When cold, put it in a cask; add the spirit, almonds, etc., from the stone bot- tle, and lastly the orange-water. Bung it down close and let it stand three weeks or a month; then strain it off in a jelly -bag, and when fine, bottle it off. When the pink is wanted, add cochineal, in powder, at the rate of one-half dram or two scruples to one quart. 138 oi" can. Let it stand a week or ten days, shaking it frequently.
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