1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
J^omt JWaire Wiinm CREME D'ORANGE OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR Take one dozen middling sized oranges, one and one-quarter pints orange-flower wa- ter, six pounds loaf sugar, two and two- thirds quarts spirit of wine, one-half ounce tincture of saffron, four and two-thirds quarts water. Cut the oranges in slices, put them in a cask, add the spirit and orange- flower water, let it stand a fortnight. Then boil the sugar in the water for one-half hour, pour it out, and let it stand till cold; then add it to the mixture in the cask, and put in the tincture of saffron. Let it remain a fort- night longer; then strain, and proceed as directed in the recipe for Creme de Bar- badoes, and a very fine cordial will be pro- duced. EAU DE BARBADOES Take one ounce of fresh orange peel, four ounces of fresh lemon peel, one dram cori- ander, four pints ^roof spirit. Distill in a bath heat, and add white sugar in powder. EAU DE BIGARADE Take the outer or yellow part of the peels of seven bigarades (a kind of orange), one- quarter .ounce of nutmegs, one-eighth ounce of mace, one-half gallon of fine proof spirit, 139
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