1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

245. Soda Cocktail. I teaspoonful of Sugar in a large tumbler, 4 dashes of Angostura. Mix it well, add i lump Ice, i piece of I.emon peel squeezed in glass, and pour in a bottle of Schweppe's Lemonade, and stir. 246. Sherry Flip. I yolk of Egg, I teaspoonful of Sugar, i glass of Sherry. Shake well together and strain into small wine glass, and grate nutmeg on top. 247. Swissess. I white of a Fresh Egg, i teaspoonful of Anisette Syrup, I glass of Absinthe. Shake well together, and strain into small wine glass, and add a dash of syphon on top. (This is a very good bracer for that feeling of the morning of the night before.) 248. Stone Fence. Put I glass of Whisky in large tumbler, add i or 2 lumps of Ice, and fill balance with Cider. 249. South Side. Juice of I Lemon, i teaspoonful of Sugar, 2 or 3 sprigs of Fresh Mint, i glass of Gin (Gordon). Shake well and strain into medium-sized tumbler, and add Syphon. 250. Sherry Cobbler. i Ice in tumbler, add J glass of Brandy, i glass of Curafao, J glass of Maraschino, i glass of Sherry. Add syphon. Stir well, decorated' with fruits in season. Float a little Port Wine on top. 68

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