1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

267. Vermouth Cocktail. 2 dashes of Angostura, 2 dashes of Orange BitterS] 2 dashes of Gomme Syrup, ^ glass French Vermouth, i glass Italian Vermouth. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, and squeeze lemon peel on top. 268. Virgin Cocktail. J Forbidden Fruit Liqueur, i White Cr^me ,de Menthe, ^ Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.' 269. Vie en Rose Cocktail. I Lemon Juice, J Grenadine, J Gin, J Kirschwasser. Shake well and strain. (1) Kirsch and Grenadine. I glass Kirsch (wineglass), J glass Grenadine, balance with Soda. (2) Picon Grenadine. I glass Amer. Picon, ^ glass Grenadine, balance with syphon. (3) Dubonnet Citron. I glass Dubonnet, J glass Syrup Citron, balance Soda Water. (4) Kirsch and Cassis. I glass Cassis, J glass Kirsch, balance Soda Water. 270. Various Continental Beverages. Served all in a large tumbler ;


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