1924 Angostura Bitters Centenary Gift Book of Cocktail and other recipes

loaf sugar; rind and juice of three lemons; a small piece of cinnamon ; 4cloves; Ibayleaf; 6 coriander seeds. Place altogether in a stewpan; when near to the boil add the beaten whites of two eggs, then bring to the boil. Take from the fire and let it stand for ten minutes; then pass through jelly bag or a piece of muslin into a basin or cooler; after a few minutes add 1 tablespoonful of An gostura. Place your jelly in a cool place to set into your glass or mould. This jelly will be found very nice with fresh fruits placed in the jelly, or eaten with fresh fruit. MACEDOINE DE fruits AU ANGOSTURA. If using fresh fruits, prepare a syrup. Take I lb. loaf sugar, 1 quart water, place on stove and bring to boil. When cold, add 1 tablespoonful Angostura. Place fruits in a glass or china dish and pour syrup over. This is very nice to eat with sponge fingers or Genoese cake cut into fingers and sugared over. Tinned fruits should be treated in the same way, except use .syrup from fruits in place of prepared .syrup. mpnt A ''' flavouring for Clinstmas Pudding.? and Miiice- tfl exquisite and distinctive flavour usuahy "Jfsed) .substance is the quantity sbarn^nJ AjPPed in Angostura, taken daily, n ipe s the appetite and encourages good health. Angostura give an excellent flavour ing m SOUPS.JUGUEO HARE,and similar dishes.


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