1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

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DOODADS SPREAD rounds of bread with cream cheese thickly, place stuffed olive in middle. Cheese should be thick enough to come half way up olive. Olive can be cut down to represent flower.

ANCHOVY CUT bread into circles%inch thick, spread with butter and may onnaise, dip in hard boiled egg which has been put through ricer. Top with an anchovy.

MUSHROOMS HORS D'OEUVRES OPEN a can of mushrooms and place in earthen dish. Cover with olive oil and leave ifor 24 hours. When ready prepare hearts of six artichokes, cooked or canned, on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves. Remove oil from mushrooms and heap them on artichokes. Then sprinkle lightly with paprika and serve with a quarter of lime or lemon and hot salted wafers.






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