1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett


about town cocKtail booK !

TOASTED MUSHROOM SANDWICHES Melt three tablespoons butter, add cup flour and stir until well blended. Then pour on gradually one cup tbin cream. Bring to boiling point and add fried finely chopped mushrooms (canned will do), enough to make spreading consistency. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Spread on sandwiches and fry in hot buttered pan, browning both sides.

CRABLEG SANDWICHES s BREAD thin toast with crableg meats. Sprinkle with lemon juice and thousand island dressing. Garnish with cress.

M LORENZO SANDWICHES AKE small quantity of thick white sauce. Add crab meat sea soned Avith salt, cayenne and fcAV drops of lemon juice. Cut bread in rounds, spread with crab mixture, cover with butter in which white of egg has been creamed. Sprinkle with cheese and brown in oven. EAST INDIA SANDWICHES Mash yolks of hard boiled eggs, mix with Bengal chutney spread on thin buttered bread, sprinkle with chopped Avhites and cover. Cut in sandwich shapes when crusts removed. DAISY SANDWICHES (OPEN) CUT buttered bread into rounds Avitli a crimped cookie cutter and spread with cream or pimento cheese. Place an olive cut into eighths lengthwise in the centre of the pimento sandwich and arrange like petals. Use a maraschino cherry for the centre of the cream cheese. Witih Regret Astern policeman grasped an intoxicated gentleman by the shoulder. "Here,you,come along Avith me," he commanded. ^ ^ "Nope," retorted the inebriated one with decision. "I m sup'stitious 'bout takin' walks Avith cops. Ever' time I eA'^er took a walk with cop I got locked up. But .. . hie ... thank you just the shame."


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