1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

Egg L emonade Strain into a large tumble r the JUi ce of one lemon. Fill up to half with shaved ice , add one tablespoonful of icing sugar, and break into It a new laid egg. Put into a shaker and sh ake ·well, and then strain back into the tumbler, fill up with soda water, and dust with grated nutmeg or c innamon . Mixed Fruit L emonade Strain into a large tumbler the juice of one lemon, add two teaspoonfuls of icing suga r and a wineglassful of water. Fill up wi th soda v,:ater, and put all together into a shaker. Skake well and pour back again. Decorate with one cherry, one slice of p in e– apple and one grape. Limeade Strain the juice of h alf a lemon into a tumbler, add to it two tablespoonfuls of lime syrup , two tablespoonfuls of plain syrup, a w ineglassfu l of water. Stir well, then fill up with carbonated wa t er, and decorate with a sprig of mint. IO

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