1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drink s

Then add one liqu eur glass of brandy, a dessert-spoonful of cast or sugar, some grated lemon rind and a sprig of ve rbena.

Cider Cup without Alcohol (To be made the day before)

P ass through a sieve six baked apples . Pour over the pulp a p int of bo iling wa t er :rnd leave it all night. The next day strain it, and add some slices of lemon, a bot t le of raspberry cordi al, and put on ice. Before serving , ad d t o it a bottle of lemonade.

A le Cup Add to three pints of mild ale the juice of one lemon, a t ablespoonful of suga r, a glass of sherry, some grat ed nutmeg, and a sprig of mint.

Apple Cup Pour a quart of boiling wat er over four sliced apples, and the thin rind of one lemon; add sugar to tast e. Let it st and till cold, covered up, then strain it and add a squeeze of lemon juice . 17

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